2-component glue modified MMA metakrüülhappe based clear 2x3ml = 6ml

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Products ID: 695993
Partnumber: X468
Brand: Technicqll
2-component glue, which is based modified MMA metakrüülhappe estril, which is based uuenduslikul liimisüsteemil, which ensures very high sideme tõmbetugevuse, rebenemise- and nihketugevuse. intended all kõvade, soft, termoplastiliste plastics fast for bonding. Asendamatu stainless steel surface durable and very strong connection loomisel - this gives tugevuse up to 300 kg / cm2
. replaces paljusid mehaanilisi ühendamismeetodeid, like keevitamine, neetimine, screw driving, jootmine. this requires only vähe surface ettevalmistamist. glue on durable for water, many chemicals and Suitable on continuous work at temperatures -50C up to + 130C. Vuuk on clear, flexible, no purune neither consumption. Staatilise segistiga kahekambriline syringe võimaldab glue thoroughly mix and exactly to apply. this no jookse vertikaalsetelt surfaces off neither voola ühendustest out. intended for professional and industrial for use (konstruktoritele, inseneridele, hooldustehnikutele).
- Features:
• clear
• fast
• flexible
• Waterproof
• inner- and outdoor for use
• durable impacts
• is not elektrit juhtiv
• durable kõrgematele temperatuuridele
• UV -proof
• seente and mold in a ratio durable
• frost resistant
• aging resistant
• durable agressiivsetele keemilistele mõjuritele (lahjendatud happed and alused, most lahustid), soolvesi, greases and töövedelikud
• Solvent free
materials: metals: aluminium, carbon steel, copper, ferriit, stainless steel, inoks, painted metals, coated metals, zinc plated metals; komposiidid: Glass Fibre, geelkaetud surfaces, SMC, BMC, polüesterlaminaadid, epoksülaminaadid, vinüülestrilaminaadid, DCPD laminaadid; plastid:
ABS, vinüülid (PVC), Plexiglass (PMMA), polüamiidid (nailonid), polükarbonaadid, polüuretaanid; stone, ceramics, glass, wood

• autotööstuses: spoilers installation, külgpaneelide installation isotermidele, katusepaneelide installation, GRP -paneelide installation terasraamidele
• metallelementidega komposiitide connection prototüüpide and models ehitamisel
• valves and pipes installation kliimaseadmesse
• raamide liimimine, sulgemisribad akendes
• terasribade kokkupanek sõukruvide äärtele and tuleturbiinide hoiatusvalgustite installation
• spordivarustuse in production, kaablihoidjate installation
• viimistluselementide kokkupanek renoveerimise ajal
• infotahvlite fixing Facade mounting
• sisestuste liimimine synthetic and natural kivist manufactured tööpindadele
• boat fermide kokkupanek
• paadiplaadi kokkupanek
• shaped wooden decks, for example köögipindade connection
glued surfaces peaksid be:
• clean
clean glued surfaces nii, et neil no oleks dirt neither saastumist (dust, grease). before epoksüliimide using karestage surfaces sandpaper. It's tulemusena increases sidumispind and therefore also connection strength. then rinse connected surfaces technical rasvaärastusvahendi or Technicqll puhastuskomplektiga.
• dry
 dry cleaned surfaces.

• Working temperature
to use at temperature 18-26 oC.
• glue ristseob keemilise reaktsiooni kaudu, therefore is very important neid two komponenti thoroughly mix.

1. Turn cap off and install with set contains olev static mikser.
2. Pigista 2-3 ml massist kinnitatud kaussi.
• it quantity glue no mixed mikser thoroughly, therefore mix it by hand lisatud lusikaga, up to saadakse homogeenne mass, without triipudeta. Sel viisil manufactured mixture on ready to use.
• Ülejäänud segistist out pressed glue pc on even thoroughly mixed, nii et you can It's straight parandatud for element apply.
3. Apply mixed glue for one connected surface punktidena or creating thin layer.
o be sure that, et glue laotamine no kesta longer than glue Serviceable life, st approximately 1,5 minutes after segamist.
4. push glued elements heavily together.

o Kinnitage glued elements mõneks minutes. glue initial ristsidumise time on approximately 3-5 minutes.
o Parandusaega you can lühendada, suunates ühendusse warm õhuvoolu, for example kuivati ​​abil.
5. Parandatud element on ready to use 30 minutes has passed, but connection on fully durable 12 tunni after.
6. after glue väljapressimist clean nozzles glue jäänustest, rebige ära kolbide vaheline plug and ühendage nozzles süstlasse.

advice and MÄRKUSED
• with air together puutudes stays vuuk long time (even 24 tunni after) katsudes sticky, due to which moisturizes this excellently surface, which no needed matistamist.
• don't use PP, PE and PTFE to connect.
• Kuumutage product toatemperatuurini before using
Product viscosity reduction, which eases koostisosade dosing.
• remove fresh stains alcohol, atsetooni or isopropüülalkoholiga.
• Lekkinud and with air together puutunud glue may to stay 24 tunniks sticky (this are not affected grout line strengths). Oma adhesion because of may vuuk dust and õietolmu ligi meelitada, therefore is recommended excessive glue to remove.
• contains olev static mikser on ühekordselt to use.
• glue pealekandmisel tagage glue eraldumisel piisav ventilation.
Technical specifications
stand: MMA
Liimivärv: clear
connection paint: clear
Consistency: liquid
density: A: 0,99 g / cm3, B: 0,98 g / cm3
lifetime after segamist: 1,5 min.
Esmane kõvenemisaeg: 3-5 minutes.
temperature resistance: -40 ° C -130 ° C
full kõvenemisaeg: 12 hours
maximum gap: <3 mm
viscosity: 3500 cps +/- 500 cps
aluminium 12-16 MPa
Tensile Strength steel-steel: 10-14 MPa

• to keep densely CLOSED in original pcking cool place, eelistatavalt at temperature approximately 7 ° C, in the dark place. storage kõrgel
temperature 30-40oC lühendab serviceable life.
• don't külmutage.
• glue you can to keep with other toodetega.
5902051002468 (2x3 ml)