battery load tester 6/12V YATO

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Products ID: 10475
Partnumber: S114-8310
Brand: YATO
this testrit is possible to use kontrollimaks battery capacity and at the same time also kuidas batteries has been used. also is possible vaadata also battery mahutatavust under a load. Tester no these for separately toidet, which makes It's very easily kasutatavaks each half.

before using read attentively alljärgnevat kasutusjuhendit.
battery testimine:
before kasuamis be sure that, et scale oleks nullis, kui is not, siis use scale all alevat nuppu It's nulli seadistamiseks. Ühendage tester with battery, red clamp plus „+“ pin and black clamp Minus „-“ pin.
Vaadake skaalat, seal kuvatakse teile battery voltage. Kui osuti on on scale rohelises alas, on battery voltage normal. yellow ala skaalal indicates, et battery on alalaetud and it tuleks before koormustesti läbiviimist to charge. Kui aga osuti indicates pinget, which stays scale punasesse alasse, on battery empty or damaged and this tuleks if possible full to charge or out to change.
battery koormustest:
attention! by using testerit first korda, may tester ülemistest õhuavadest tulla a little smoke. it is normal, beacuse tester for better säilmiseks ladustamisperioodil on this coated korrosioonikaitsega. Ühendage tester with battery, red clamp plus „+“ pin and black clamp Minus „-“ pin. push koormustesti nuppu tester alaosa, this koormab batteries 100 ampriga. NB! don't keep nuppu down longer than 10 seconds. immediately kui switch vabastate, on also load immediately katkestatud. Kui te hoiate lülitit liiga kaua all, may tester temperature tõusta kriitiliselt kõrgeks and thereby to damage also testrit. Peale each test let testril jahtuda at least 5 minutes.
Kui load rakendades on osuti scale rohelises alas, on battery laetud It's max mahutatavuseni full. most common 12V batteries tarbeks on green ala jagatud 5 osaks, sõltuval battery cold start voolutugevusest
(200-1000A). Kui osuti on outside green ala, but also no lange madalama value poole, is not battery laetud It's maximum mahutatavuseni. therefore on necessary battery mahutatavuse määramiseks to use other vahendeid, for example. to measure electrolyte tihedust areomeetriga.
Kui aga osuti lange measurement käigus aina lähemale nullile, can be necessary battery new against out to change.
battery charging testimine:
attention! engine töötades not allowed lülitada koormuslülitit.
Ühendage tester with battery, red clamp plus „+“ pin and black clamp Minus „-“ pin.
start engine and let sellel to achieve normal Working temperature. then keep engine rotations in the range of 1200-1500 rotations/ per minute. Vaadake skaalat, kui osuti on rohelisel area „OK“, on battery charging korras. Kui aga osuti on punases alas on charging wrong and battery no saavuta oma normaalset mahutatavust.
starter test:
attention! by making starter test not allowed lülitada koormuslülitit.
before starter test läbiviimist, on necessary teha battery common test and up kirjutada battery voltage.
attention! Kui koormustest no anna positiivset result, no õnnestu also starter test.
let engine to achieve oma normal Working temperature and then suretage this out. Ühendage tester battery like teistegi testide puhul. start engine and kirjutage out kuvatav voltage.
then võrrelge koormustesti and starter test results, by using alljärgnevat tabelit.

Koormustesti voltage Startertesti miinimumpinge
engine kubatuur < 3,6dm3 engine kubatuur > 3,6dm3
10,2V 8,2V 7,7V
10,4V 8,7V 8,2V
10,6V 9,2V 8,7V
10,8V 9,7V 9,2V
11,0V 10,2V 9,7V
11,2V 10,6V 10,2V
11,4V 11,0V 10,6V

Kui test result is a smaller kui tabelis märgitud, on starting current liiga big. this can be due to kehvadest kontaktidest, not korras olevast starterist or from engine, or ebapiisavast battery mahutatavusest.


YATO is a China branch of the group TOYA S.A, which is a listed firm in Poland. YATO is a best cost-performance Europe brand of professional hand tools all over the world, with a warehouse of 4000 m2 in Shanghai, consists of more than $8 millions stocks covering over 4000 items, including general hand tools, special car repair tools, construction tools, cutting tools, measuring tools, personal protection equipment, as well as garden tools etc.          
YATO Tools has built many agents in Algeria, Australia, Brazil, Chile, Israel, Malaysia, Mexico, Pakistan, Singapore, South Africa, Thailand, U.A.E... more than 50 countries. YATO tools are attractive and durable and complete in specifications.
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